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Privacy Policy

Your information is safe with us. At, we take the protection of your privacy very seriously. We use the information we collect strictly to improve the quality of your shopping experience and never rent, trade, or sell your private information to others. We use the highest SSL encryption standards available and offer a safe shopping guarantee.

We collect and store information that you provide to us when you create an account, place an order, subscribe to our newsletter, provide us with your email address for any other purpose, and interact with us on social media and third-party web sites. Collected information includes information that you input, such as your email address, your name, your telephone number, your credit card information, and your mailing address.

In addition, our site uses cookies, which are anonymized unique identifiers for your device that allow us to provide certain features (such as your cart) and personalize your experience. Your browser allows you to opt out of cookies.

We never sell customer information, and we never share your information except with companies and individuals that we employ. They can only use information for the purposes for which we employ them and must take all measures necessary to keep the information private and secure. Examples include delivering packages, sending postal mail and email, analyzing aggregated data, providing marketing assistance, providing search results and links (including paid listings and links), and processing credit card payments. We may release personal information when we believe release is required to comply with the law or to protect the rights, property, or safety of, our users, or others.

Any privacy concerns should be directed to We take all privacy concerns very seriously and will respond appropriately and quickly. Our customers have been our number one priority and will continue to be our priority into the future.

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